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ryan israel pershing

Ryan Israel Pershing - At last week's Forbes Under 30 Summit, which brought together more than 2,000 of the world's top young entrepreneurs, it was clear that the idea of ​​being a boss has changed a lot since the days of the middle-aged boys' club on the golf course. Here we take a look at some of the women and men who have reached the top of their fields and how they got there. And keep an eye out for faces on our 30 under 30 list.

“In all the books I read, at some point you have to really trust your gut and just do it. You learn by doing."

Ryan Israel Pershing

Ryan Israel Pershing

"You don't need to be an expert to do something cool. You don't have to have letters after your name or lines under it on your resume to go explore the world and start changing it.”

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"Since I was a kid, my dad always told me, 'The harder you work, the luckier you get.' I tried to say yes to opportunities and then work as hard as I could."

"It will not be easy. But if you love the game, it will be fun and worth it in the end.”

“I really believe it's important to be in the right place at the right time and recognize an opportunity.

"It's less about other people's perceptions and more about my own." You cannot be an entrepreneur for other people. You cannot start a business for other people. You have to love it.”

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“Anyone can start a business, but persistence is what will keep you in the game. So when you feel like quitting, just keep going. This is the only way to success."

“When it comes to making art, take that responsibility away in a way that allows you to fail and be okay. Relax and be kind to yourself.”

"Make sure what you're doing is noteworthy. A lot of people are attracted to cool technology and crazy algorithms, and they spend years building something that no one really wants to use.”

Ryan Israel Pershing

"The scariest day we ever had was quitting our jobs to start this." The second scariest day was convincing other people to quit their jobs and go on this trip with us." - Dani Weisberg

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"Forget about Goldman's work. It will always be there. But if you want to be an entrepreneur, just start. Find a co-founder, make friends with engineers and take off your jacket.”

“I was 7 or 8 years old and I remember telling my mom that I wanted to be a professional soccer player when I grew up. It was my dream and I followed it."

"If you have a dream, follow it no matter the cost." No matter what the haters say or when people doubt you, focus on what you want to do and go out and achieve it.”

"I dropped out of high school. I never went to college. I started a company that failed, but it was a great learning experience that no school could pay for."

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“Giving up $100 million was a big turning point because it frees you up. You really know I don't do it for the money, but because it's what I really love."

"Sometimes you have to work ten times harder than someone else to get the same grade, but never use that as an excuse."

"I think it's important for women to stand up for themselves and always demand the best."

Ryan Israel Pershing

“The advice I try to live by is that motivation comes with movement. We don't automatically get motivated, we have to start."

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"I followed my heart, as unpleasant as it sounds. I just liked to dive in and learn about what I wanted to learn about, and I was stubborn about what I didn't want to learn about."

"There is nothing wrong with being afraid. It's not the absence of fear, it's overcoming it. Sometimes you have to take a leap and have faith."

“I think the main thing is just not to be afraid, because there are not enough women in music. We need to deal with our fellows more because we are just as good. We have more chances to become better."

"There will always be problems and people who don't believe in your idea. Don't listen to the naysayers. Treat negativity as noise and focus on what you're doing.

Inspiring Bosses Under 30

"There is a lot of interest from a younger generation of new partners and lawyers – it helps people do the kind of law they wanted to do when they first joined the legal profession."

“I'm working hard to learn to value myself no matter what. If you're easily swayed by what others say, it means you're not that strong to begin with."

"It's impossible to be perfect, and you won't succeed if you focus on proving yourself to others."

Ryan Israel Pershing

"We need young scientists to solve these big problems, where science has the power to help people find solutions to problems we never thought could be solved."

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